Yachtman's offers
Your stays at the best price

Discover our offers Stay at the Port of La Rochelle

At certain times of the year, we can offer you exclusive offers for your stays in the port of La Rochelle. To find out more about our current offers, we invite you to contact us by email, by telephone or via the contact form.

Romantic Night

This welcome includes fresh rose petals*, a bottle of wine of your choice, simple and thoughtful room decoration.

Sweet white wine "L'été Gascon" Dommaine de PELLEHAUT 2022 75cl IGP Côte de Gascogne

Rosé wine “L’été Gascon” Dommaine de PELLEHAUT 2022 75cl IGP Côte de Gascogne

Sweet white wine "L'Escoubasso" Dommaine de PELLEHAUT 2019 50cl

Sparkling Brut white wine "Pilaho" Dommaine de PELLEHAUT 2022 75cl

Organize your romantic stay now by contacting reception on 05 46 41 20 68, by email contact@leyachtman.com or on our website www.leyachtman.com.

*To be reserved no later than 24 hours before your arrival.


Promotional offer
The long weekend package

For your long weekends from three nights, from Thursday to Saturday or from Friday to Sunday, discover our special offer. Breakfasts and tourist tax are not included. The price of this offer changes according to the seasons and availability. 

Promotional offer
The long stay package

Take advantage of a discount on your stay of more than 7 nights in our hotel with parking on the port of La Rochelle. The amount of this offer varies according to periods and availability. Breakfasts and tourist tax are not included.